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Apostolic Interview

Articles from January 21, 2019

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Ahead of Being on Papal Flight for United Arab Emirates, ZENIT Speaks with Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia Bishop Paul Hinder

Tells ZENIT that ‘to Celebrate the 1st Ever Public Mass in UAE Is a Gift to the Catholic Community’

USCCB President’s Statement for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

‘Today more than ever, our societies need ‘artisans of peace.’

Santa Marta: Are You Putting New Wine in Old Wineskins?

Look to the Beatitudes for the ‘Christian Style’

Cardinal Parolin’s Advice for WYD Panama 2019: ‘Transform the World by Imitating Mary’

‘May Young People Become the Evangelizers of Other Young People’

Sistine Chapel Choir Becomes Responsibility of Master of Ceremonies Monsignor Guido Marini

Integration of the Office of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations

Ecclesia Dei: The Competencies of the Pontifical Commission Are Integrated in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Pope Francis Explains the Reasons in a Motu Proprio

South Korea: Youth Bring Passion for Peace to Panama

First Stop for Volunteer Work in Costa Rica

Pakistan: Education Liberating Christians From Poverty

‘Many people cannot continue their education, either because there are no schools or no money.’

Syria: Icon of ‘Mysterious Supper’ Returns to Syrian village of Maalula

Stolen in 2014 When Syrian Village Occupied by al-Nusra Jihadists

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