© Vatican Media

Fully Lived Lent

Articles from March 18, 2019

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Pope Offers Suggestions to Live this Lent Fully, During His Morning Homily

At Casa Santa Marta, Francis Reminds Importance of Not Just Material, But Spiritual Almsgiving

FEATURE: Chicago Catholic Men’s Conference Offers Adventure in Following Christ

‘A Man Among Men’ Draws 300 For Presentations, Prayer, Adoration, Confession, Mass

France: Pope Francis Receives Cardinal Barbarin

Who Tendered His Resignation to Him

Philippines: Pope Names New Auxiliary Bishop for Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan

Rev. Fidelis B. Layog, Currently Parish Priest of the Our Lady of Purification Parish

Bambino Gesu Hospital: 150 Years of History

Presentation of a Book for This Anniversary

Prayer for the Martyrs of Our Time on March 21 in Rome

Presided Over by the Cardinal Vicar Angelo De Donatis

‘From Mary, We Learn How to Be Next to the Suffering, With a Mother’s Tenderness’

Addressing Religious Men and Women of Camillian Charismatic Family, Francis Affirms How Tenderness Is Fund8amental Aspect of their Work to Help the Ill

Rome: Pope Reminds Court of Auditors of Important Role in Serving Common Good

‘The Court of Auditors, in the exercise of controls over the management and activities of public administrations, is a valid tool for preventing and affecting illegality and abuse.’

Niger: Six Months of Silence for Kidnapped Missionary Fr. Maccalli

‘The only free person among us’

Archbishop Auza Highlights Ways to Protect Against Human Trafficking

‘Social Protection Systems and Access to Public Services In the Fight Against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery’

Archbishop Auza: Women Need Adequate Protection and Social Care

‘Women continue to suffer violence and degradation.’

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