The Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life has organized #YestoLife: an international conference on the defense of nascent human life in extremely fragile conditions. The non-profit organization “Il Cuore in una Goccia” and the Knights of Columbus will collaborate in the event, which is intended to offer realistic and replicable models of medical and above all pastoral care, from conception onwards, and to show the Church’s closeness to families to whom with increasing frequency the only alternative suggested is abortion.
The conference, which will take place from May 23-25, 2019, in Rome, will be attended by four hundred people from seventy countries, representing the episcopal conferences, dioceses, and many families, along with doctors and experts in the field of perinatal care. Its aim is to approach, in a realistic and practical way, the fundamental moment in the life of each couple that is the expectation of a child. Even when the lift that is about to be born is extremely fragile, perinatal medicine now offers extraordinary opportunities for assistance. In order not to abandon families who live such a delicate moment, it is necessary for pastoral workers to be close to them, offering at the same time the necessary spiritual consolation when faced with pain: science and faith can be allied to accompany with love and attention the couples and families that experience the birth of a child with serious pathologies or disability.

The Pope Blesses A Baby © Vatican Media
Vatican Organizes International Conference #YestoLife
Caring for Precious Gift of Life in its Frailness