Synod © Vatican Media

Synod of Bishops: Pope Appoints Delegate Presidents – Cardinals Porras, Barreto, and Braz

For the Panama Region

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Pope Francis, in view of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Panama Region, to be held at the Vatican from October 6 to 27, 2019, on the subject: Amazon: new paths for the Church and for an integral ecology, he has appointed delegate presidents three cardinals: Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo, Pedro Ricardo Barreto Jimeno, and João Braz de Aviz.

The Press Office of the Holy See communicated this morning, September 7, 2019, through a press release.

Cardinal Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo © Wikipedia

Cardinal Porras

Cardinal Porras (Caracas, 1944) is an apostolic administrator “ vacant seat and ad nutum Sanctae Sedis” of Caracas, archbishop of Mérida (Venezuela). On November 19, 2016, Mons. Baltazar Porras is consecrated as the second Cardinal in Venezuela created by Pope Francis. On December 23, 2017, Francisco appointed Cardinal Porras as a member of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life, which he combined with the position of archbishop of Caracas.

Ordained a priest in 1967. In Caracas he was vice rector of the Interdiocesan Seminary and Director of Studies (1978-1979); He also held the position of Rector of the Seminary of San José del Hatillo, 1979-1983. Appointed titular bishop of Lamdia and auxiliary of Mérida in 1983, he received the episcopal consecration on September 17 of the same year.

In 1991, Pope John Paul II appointed him archbishop of Mérida, taking possession of the diocese on December 5. From March 1998 to June 1999 he was also an apostolic administrator vacant seat of the diocese of San Cristóbal. He has held numerous positions in the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, of which he was president for two consecutive terms from 1999 and 2006, after having long been the vice president.

Cardinal Pedro Barreto with Pope Francis © Vatican Media

Cardinal Barreto

Mons. Barreto Jimeno (Lima, 1944) is archbishop of Huancayo (Peru) and vice president of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM). On March 10, 2019, the Jesuit took possession of the Title of Saints Peter and Paul in Via Ostiense, in Rome. The Cardinal was created by Pope Francis at the Consistory on June 28 in 2018.

He was ordained a priest on December 18, 1971, and issued the perpetual profession on October 3, 1976. On November 9, 2001, he was elected Vicar Apostolic of Jaen and Bishop of Acufida and on January 1, 2002, he received the Episcopal Ordination. On July 17, 2004, he was appointed archbishop of Huancayo.

Cardinal Braz de Aviz

João Braz de Aviz (Mafra, 1947) is a cardinal, archbishop emeritus of Brasilia and prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

On January 4, 2011, he was appointed prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life by Benedict XVI and created Cardinal in the Consistory of February 18, 2012, under the Diaconia of Sant’Elena fuori Porta Prenestina.

On January 28, 2004, he was appointed archbishop of Brasilia, the capital of the immense country. There he is remembered as a great shepherd, of those who «smell like sheep» , visiting parishes, engaging in vicarial meetings, with initiatives for young people, etc.

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Rosa Die Alcolea

Profesional con 7 años de experiencia laboral en informar sobre la vida de la Iglesia y en comunicación institucional de la Iglesia en España, además de trabajar como crítica de cine y crítica musical como colaboradora en distintos medios de comunicación. Nació en Córdoba, el 22 de octubre de 1986. Doble licenciatura en Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual en Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid (2005-2011). Ha trabajado como periodista en el Arzobispado de Granada de 2010 a 2017, en diferentes ámbitos: redacción de noticias, atención a medios de comunicación, edición de fotografía y vídeo, producción y locución de 2 programas de radio semanales en COPE Granada, maquetación y edición de la revista digital ‘Fiesta’. Anteriormente, ha trabajado en COPE Córdoba y ABC Córdoba.

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