Angelus Address: On the Solemnity of All Saints
‘Today’s Solemnity of All Saints Reminds Us that We Are All Called to Sanctity’
Archbishop Follo: Searching, Man for God, God for Man
With the invitation to live our conversion as hospitality of Christ in our home.
Pope Reflects on Meaning of Death
Video Message to Participants in 4th World Meeting of Young People, Organized by Scholas Occurrentes and World ORT
Amazon Synod: Zenit Translation of Final Document, Chapter Three
Full Document Published in Several Installment
Aid to the Church in Need Interviews Bishop of Tuticorin in Southern India
‘We are not going to give up the fight for equality, justice and fraternity’
‘Pray Without Ceasing’ to ‘Inaugurate An Era of Peace,’ Exhorts Pope Francis
Address at the Pontifical Lateran University
Bishop of Hyderabad, Pakistan, Stresses Importance of Education
Bishop Samson Shukardin, OFM, Speaks with Aid to the Church in Need
New Technologies Aid Missionary Efforts in Papua New Guinea
‘The new generations are composed of digital natives and have technological know-how’
US Bishops’ Pro-Life Chair Supports Dignity for Aborted Children Act
‘For Catholics, the Church has long taught that ‘the human body shares in the dignity of the image of God’
President of Polish Episcopate Wishes a Happy All Saints’ Day
‘We all have the universal call to holiness’
Bishops Appeal for Earthquake Victims in Philippines
An Estimated 3.2 Million Children Affected