© Vatican Media

St. Paul in Ephesus

Articles from December 4, 2019

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POPE’S GENERAL AUDIENCE: On St Paul’s Ministry in Ephesus

‘Bishops must be very close to the people, to defend them; they must not be detached from the people’

Just In: Pope Accepts Resignation of Bishop Malone of Buffalo, New York

Appoints Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger to be Apostolic Administrator

Pope on Climate: ‘There Remains a Window of Opportunity, But We Must Not Allow It to Close’

Pope’s Address to United Nations Conference on Climate in Madrid

Missionaries in China Commemorated

Some Sacrificed to the Point of Blood

32nd Meeting of Council of Cardinals Concludes

“C6” Continues Work of Curial Reform

Pope Invokes Mary Queen of Poland to Help Polish Autonomous Independent Trade Union ‘Solidarnosc’ Continue Good Work

‘Forty years ago, Saint John Paul II invoked for his fellow countrymen this very presence of God and the breath of the Holy Spirit, exclaiming: “Let your Spirit come down! And renew the face of the earth. Of this land!’

Tenth Anniversary of Benedict XVI’s Encyclical “Caritas in Veritate”

International Conference Is Held on the Encyclical

General Audience: Pope: ‘Experience a Blessed Advent, in Preparation for Coming of Newborn Savior at Christmas’

‘Let us pray that in every age God will sustain the Church’s pastors in deep faith and in zeal for the growth of the Christian community in joyful fidelity to the Gospel’

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