
Christmas Message from Cuba’s Bishops

‘Cubans want a better and more peaceful future’

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In its message for Christmas 2020, the Cuban Bishops’ Conference invites «all Cubans» to use time so that «we can find the source of truth, joy, and hope, because we all need to see a better and safer future in the midst of the difficulties we suffer» reported Fides News Agency.

The message reminds us that, according to Christian tradition, the birth of Jesus «took place in the midst of great hardship (…), in the dark of night and in extreme poverty». «The words we address to you today are in harmony with the task that we have as bishops (…) to accompany and illuminate the events of our people with the Gospel», underlines the message of the Bishops’ Conference and its chairman Cardinal Juan de Caridad García Rodríguez, Archbishop of Havana.

The bishops write that as «shepherds» on the island «they see a people who are exhausted and overwhelmed (…), material shortages, mental fatigue, the crisis of insufficient personal, family and national financial security, which have serious consequences in the present life and with its shadows burden the future and the soul of the vast majority of Cubans».
In order to move the country forward, «all proposals must be heard and addressed», they underline. Among the good news that Cubans expect at Christmas, according to Catholic leaders, is «that things change for the better and in peace»; «that the burden of getting food becomes a harmonious sharing of daily bread with the family», and that «the announced adjustment of the national economy… helps everyone to support their families and creates decent jobs with a sufficient salary and the necessary social justice».

Alluding to the current political climate, they state that «good news for Cubans would be to avoid violence, confrontation, insult, and exclusion in order to create an environment of social friendship and universal brotherhood», so that «intolerance is overcome». A step «that would lead to a healthy plurality, to a dialogue between people with different opinions and criteria». The message ends with a thank you to the patron saint of Cuba, the Virgen de la Caridad. Special thanks also go to the doctors and health care workers who «have really done so much for the community». The message was signed by all the Bishops and is dated December 12, the feast of the Virgen de Guadalupe.

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