Mons. Víctor Manuel Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Photo: AICA

First “Guidelines” of The New Prefect of The Dicastery for The Doctrine of the Faith

Bishop Fernández underlines in a letter to the staff of the Department for the Doctrine of the Faith some expressions from the letter that the Pope addressed to him and that will inspire his work. He also reveals that he will start his job at the DDF on September 11.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 07.06.2023).- On Monday, July 3, the Archbishop of La Plata and new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), sent a letter to the work staff of the DDF. The letter is not only a greeting but also marks some accents beginning by the clarification evidenced already several times that he will fulfil this responsibility “his way.” Archbishop Fernández also emphasizes some expressions of the letter the Pope addressed to him, which will inspire his work. Finally, he revealed that he will begin his work in the DDF on September 11.

Here is the text of the letter.

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To the Members, Secretaries, Consultants and Functionaries, Members of the Commissions and to all the Community working in the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

La Plata, July 3, 2023

Dear Friends:

After the Holy Father’s appointment, I cannot say that I feel adequate for this position, but I’m certainly not lacking in good will, the desire to be faithful to the Pope and also an important previous experience. 

I feel a healthy pride to be the Successor of Cardinal Ladaria, a man of faith that I admire so much for his wisdom as well as his human values. He is a good example to imitate, although I will do so “my way.”

At this point, I cannot say much to you. However, it remains very clear that the letter sent by the Holy Father is a light that must guide us, not only as a generic motivation, but as a very practical and concrete indication. Later we will see how, but suffice to be attentive to certain expressions: “main purpose,” “we need to grow in . . . , welcome the recent Magisterium.” These are key words of interpretation, which enable us to reflect calmly to understand the meaning of the new stage. We will talk about it further on.

I will not say any more, because I would like to learn with you and walk with you. I will begin my work around Monday, September 11. However, before that date I will come to greet you and to hold another conversation with Cardinal Ladaria (I was with him already a few days ago in Rome).

Meanwhile, I thank you for your generous work and I wish you many goods. May the Lord grant you a luxuriant blessing for your life and your mission. 

With much affection in the Lord.


Monsignor Víctor Manuel Fernández

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