This school is a new initiative proposed by the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO) through its World Women's Observatory (WWO). Photo: WUCWO

The School of Synodality of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations is born

The project will begin with a series of Webinars that will have as their main objective: to inform and deepen, with Assembly participants, the progress of the synodal process and the fundamental content of chapter 9 of the Synthesis Report in the first session of the Synodal Assembly: “Women in the Life and Mission of the Church”. The application of the synodal methodology in the Church, with a special focus on the full participation of women, will also be promoted.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 02.23.2024).- On February 27th, WUCWO’s School for Synodality:  Women’s mission in the Synodal Church will begin. This school is a new initiative  proposed by the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO) through  its World Women’s Observatory (WWO).

The project will begin with a series of Webinars that will have as their main objective:  to inform and deepen, with Assembly participants, the progress of the synodal  process and the fundamental content of chapter 9 of the Synthesis Report in the first  session of the Synodal Assembly: “Women in the Life and Mission of the Church”.  The application of the synodal methodology in the Church, with a special focus on  the full participation of women, will also be promoted.

February Webinars 

  • 27 February, 5 p.m. (Rome): Spanish
  • 28 February, 4 p.m. (Rome): French
  • 29 February, 7 a.m. (Rome): English
  • 29 February, 5 p.m. (Rome): English

Each of these meetings will feature two speakers that participated in the XVI Ordinary  General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2023: a lay representative and  a religious sister. The speakers will be: two religious women chosen by Pope Francis  as Delegate Presidents for the Synodal Assembly, Momoko Nishimura from Japan  and María Dolores Palencia from Mexico; Mozambican journalist Sheila Pires, a UISG  sister, Maria Cimperman from the USA, the philosopher Anne-Béatrice Faye from  Senegal, the Australian professor Susan Pascoe, and other two laywomen: Eva  Fernández from Spain and Sandra Chaoul from Lebanon.

The speakers will be different in each Webinar, so it will be possible to attend more  than one meeting, which will include a space for dialogue with the speakers.

The main objective of the WUCWO’s School for Synodality is to promote the synodal  methodology, both among women and among the other members of the People of  God, in order to be transformed together into a Synodal Church in mission in  which everyone can fully and co-responsibly fulfil the mission that corresponds  to them, particularly women.

Monica Santamarina, President General of WUCWO and WWO, explains that, through  this School «we intend to spread the culture of listening, silence and discernment, key  principles of the synodal methodology». In her statements, Santamarina also  underlines how the synodal approach «presents itself as a constructive alternative to  the polarization that does so much harm», highlighting «the crucial role of the mission  of women» in this «collaborative vision of co-responsibility».

Upcoming Events 

In April, the School for Synodality will promote “Conversations in the Spirit” for  hundreds of women around the world, in order to put into practice the synodal  methodology and deepen the mission and ministries of women in the Church. Prior to  this, a day of facilitators’ training is scheduled for more than 100 people from the  different continents. Afterwards, with the support of the trained facilitators, a day of  discernment through the mentioned conversations in the Spirit will be held, where  around 700 people from all over the world are expected to participate.

For more information and for registration, please visit the following websites and

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