Flyer of International Conference for the Ongoing Formation of Priests

Russia vs. Ukraine: the demographic plan for Crimea

The administration of the territory annexed by Russia in 2014 flaunts the results of its plan to improve the condition of the population. But beyond the numbers (all to be proven) on the fight against alcoholism and the ‘700 mass cultural events’, the numbers speak of a decrease of more than 15 thousand inhabitants by 2023.

«Cure if possible, care always»: Pope Francis’ appeal to all Catholics

The Pope Video for February, the month in which the Church celebrates the World Day of the Sick, contains an appeal that the terminally ill “will always receive the necessary medical and human care and assistance.” “Cure if it is possible; always take care”, Pope Francis affirms, citing John Paul II in the video message he addresses to us through the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. The Pope also states that families play a “decisive role” and that they “should not be left alone.”

USA: births rise, abortions fall one year after Supreme Court ruling

The 2022 data show an 8% decrease in the abortion rate in the 32 states. This suggests that fewer women chose abortion in those states, even with the option to travel elsewhere to obtain it. These initial findings coincide with a study by the Institute of Labor Economics that revealed states with pro-life laws experienced an increase of 32,000 births due to the impact of such laws.