Photo: Human Rights Watch

Risk of Suicide Is Twelve Times Greater Among Transgenders Who Undergo “Sex Change” Surgery

The study examined data of 16 million American adult patients, between 18 and 60 years of age, from 2003 to 2023, who attended 56 hospital Emergency Rooms to receive treatment.

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(ZENIT News / Austin, Texas, 27.05.2024).- According to a study carried out by researchers of the Medical Branch of the University of Texas, the risk of suicide increases up to 12 times after “reaffirmation of gender” surgery.

The study examined data of 16 million American adult patients, between 18 and 60 years of age, from 2003 to 2023, who attended 56 hospital Emergency Rooms to receive treatment.

The researchers identified 1,501 patients that underwent gender transition surgery in the five years prior to their visit to the Emergency Room. The data showed that 3.47% of these patients were treated for suicide attempts as opposed to 0.29% with no history of surgery, which makes a difference 12.12 times greater.

The Socio-Educational Studies Review, ReSed, of the University of Cadiz, Spain, already published in 2022  that “suicide is the first cause of unnatural death in Spain.” And greater for “belonging  to a minority social group as is the case of the LGBTIQ+ collective, and, concretely, of trans people.” It analyzed that “suicidal ideation is frequent in the trans population. Its early appearance correlates positively with the appearance of suicidal conduct” and makes it “the most vulnerable group.”

The study of the University of Texas did not include minors and did not mention if patients suffered mental illnesses before the surgery.

Julie Quist, President of Board of Directors of the Child Protection League, said to The Epoch Times that she was surprised by the high 12.12 rate with risk of suicide. She recalled that parents are pressured to permit their children to undergo these irreversible surgeries, with questions such as: “Do you want a daughter or do you want a dead son?”

Quist said that, if suicide attempts in those operated for the transition have that data on those older than 18, a greater percentage can be implied among children and adolescents because of their immaturity.

Researchers of the University of Groningen in Holland published a study on surveys of 2,772 adolescents during  15 years and found that 11% of early adolescents reported “gender dissatisfaction.” The prevalence decreased to 4% when they reached 26 years of age: “Gender dissatisfaction, although relatively common during early adolescence, in general decreases with age, and seems to be associated with a worse concept of self and mental health in the course of development.”

A Report of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service revealed gender confusion in minors when treated with mental health techniques or interventions of gender transition. Dr Hilary Cass, paediatrician did the review and wrote the Report, concluded that the pillars of gender medicine “are built on unstable foundations.”

Patrick Lappert, plastic and reconstructive surgeon, certified for more than 25 years, pointed out a study published by Swedish researchers in 2011 with similar results of a high rate of suicides and a greater need of hospital psychiatric care in individuals who have undergone gender reassignment surgery. And he highlighted that doctors cannot say that surgical treatments reduce suicidal tendencies.

Lappert added that “if they think about it well, transgender surgery is a form of self-injury. Hence, it shouldn’t be surprising that people who do that to themselves can commit suicide when their hope ends.”

“There are people who suffer and want to be happy,” he explained, and the business of reconstruction “gives them social affirmation. It gives them a safe and affirmative community in which to live. They are given medications and surgery. They never examined it. They never asked themselves why a person had gender dysphoria. They simply affirm and bill, affirm and bill, and it’s an enormous industry. But that will come to an end.”

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Rafael Llanes

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