© Fides

Bishops Confront Health and Social Crisis in Peru

‘Our Commitment is the Well-being of Peru’

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«We are experiencing a difficult period due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has caused more than 30 thousand Peruvian deaths and over 700 thousand infected», the Bishops of Peru write in their statement, who in the face of the political and social crisis that the country is experiencing, «as Pastors and as citizens», express their considerations., reported Fides News Agency.

«This is not the time to create chaos and division, when the priority is to tackle the pandemic together and face the health, social, economic, educational and political crisis in solidarity, fighting corruption and preparing for the post-pandemic», the Bishops write, warning that «we are far from overcoming the health crisis: national production has drastically decreased and millions of jobs have been lost, especially damaging the most vulnerable people».

In this situation, seven months before the political elections, the Bishops exhort: «our fragile democracy must not be weakened, nor must its institutionality, therefore any act contrary to the law must be sanctioned and the authority in question must submit to due process». «Peruvians expect executive and legislative powers, in the interest of the common good, to overcome the confrontation and face the current crisis together, safeguarding the rule of law and seeking consensus for the transformation of Peru».

The Bishops recall that the Church, today as in the past, «continues to offer its support to the Peruvian people with aid in the fields of nutrition, global health, education, care for the environment and work, in promoting dialogue for peace, governance, development and spiritual formation» and invite everyone, especially young people, «to join and support the recent Pastoral Initiative ‘Resucita Peru ahora’, which intends to promote a new future for the Country».

The Bishops conclude their message, which bears the date of September 15, invoking the Lord of Miracles and the Blessed Virgin, so that «they enlighten our authorities and our beloved Peruvian people, in order to work with hope for the rebirth of a great Peru, on the road to the Bicentennial of National Independence».

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