Daily Homily: I Shall Raise Him on the Last Day

Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter

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Acts 8:1b-8
Psalm 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a
John 6:35-40

Stephen’s martyrdom is followed by the persecution of the Hellenistic Jewish Christians in Jerusalem. Jesus’ disciples, with the exception of the Apostles, flee Jerusalem and are scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Saul is mentioned as one of the persecutors who tried to destroy the Church. God uses this persecution to spread the Word of God and expand the Church. This is the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to the Apostles that they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) (Kurz, Acts of the Apostles, Baker, 136-137).

Philip takes the word of God to the region of Samaria and proclaims that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Philip works great signs: he casts our demons and heals the paralyzed and crippled. Signs like these were done by Jesus to bring the people to faith in him as the Messiah. Likewise, his disciples accomplish similar works and seek to bring the people to encounter Jesus.

The preaching of the Good News by Philip and miracles he works fill the people with great joy. Today’s psalm sings God’s praises on account of his deeds and works. The Psalmist invites all nations see the great works of God and to worship God and sing praise to his name. The great historical deed mentioned by the Psalmist is the crossing of the Red Sea and the crossing of the Jordan River by the people of Israel. God freed his people from slavery and brought them into the promised land. The great deed proclaimed by the Gospel is Jesus’ victory over death and the slavery of sin. Through our baptism, our crossing of the Red Sea, we share in Jesus’ victory and are set on the path that leads to heaven.

In the Gospel, there are two themes that parallel some of the themes of the first reading: fulfilling the will of the Father and faith in Jesus Christ. First, God willed that the Gospel message be proclaimed in the whole world and to all nations. This comes to pass and God is able to bring good out of evil: the persecution of the first Christians begins to scatter them outside of Jerusalem and they become missionaries of the Gospel. Second, the will of the Father is that everyone come to believe in the Son. The signs that Philip accomplishes and his preaching about Jesus as the Christ are invitations to faith in the one the Father sent. By believing in the Son and partaking of his Body and Blood, we receive eternal life. Death is not the final word because we will be raised with Christ to life on the last day and be welcomed into the promised land of heaven.

Readers may contact Father Jason Mitchell at mitchelljason2011@gmail.com.

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Jason Mitchell

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