The article warns of the rise of “anti-rights” movements

The article warns of the rise of “anti-rights” movements Photo: C-Fam

UN Women’s Agency attacks pro-life groups from official website

The article warns of the rise of “anti-rights” movements and their recent successes at separating homosexual/transgender issues from mainstream feminism. The article urges feminists to “push forward and act collectively to protect and promote LGBTIQ+ people’s equality and rights.”

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Stefano Gennarini

(ZENIT News – Center for Family and Human Rights / New York, 07.03.2024).- In an anonymous article on its website, the UN agency for women, UN Women, has called upon feminists to defend the homosexual/transgender cause against what they call “anti-rights” groups.

The article warns of the rise of “anti-rights” movements and their recent successes at separating homosexual/transgender issues from mainstream feminism. The article urges feminists to “push forward and act collectively to protect and promote LGBTIQ+ people’s equality and rights.”

It is the success of such groups at blocking the transgender/homosexual agenda that is the principal concern of the UN Women “explainer.” One of their chief concerns is the fact that many feminists object to the erasure of women that comes with the transgender movement.

“Falsely portraying the rights of LGBTIQ+ people, and particularly of trans people, as competing with women’s rights only widens divisions in the broader gender equality movement,” UN Women claims. “This has given anti-rights actors space to advance rollbacks on sexual and reproductive health and rights, comprehensive sexuality education, and other critical issues.”

Many of these recent developments have taken place in countries that were at the forefront of progressive transgender policies, such as England, France, Germany, and Sweden. The same countries have now banned transgender surgeries and treatments for minors and are witnessing efforts to protect women’s only spaces from individuals who identify as transgender, including bathrooms, prisons, and sports leagues.

Facing this string of defeats, UN Women now argues that “working for LGBTIQ+ people’s human rights is indivisible from working for women’s rights and gender equality,” and that equality can only be achieved through “a broad, intersectional feminist movement” that includes LGBTQ+ groups.

The principal culprits for these defeats, according to the UN Women article are pro-family groups, labeled as “anti-rights” because they “frame equality for women and LGBTIQ+ people as a threat to so-called ‘traditional’ family values” and “try to frame the human rights of transgender people as being at odds with women’s rights.”

The agency warns that such groups promote a “moral panic that falsely associates LGBTIQ+ people with mental illness and perversion” and that they bring “reactionary beliefs into the mainstream.”

UN Women specifically objects to how pro-family groups “depict LGBTIQ+ movements as indoctrinating influences that seek to corrupt and sexualize young people.” As a result, the article contends, they have successfully rallied opposition to comprehensive sexuality education in several countries.

According to UN Women, these groups stoke “fears about the future of society” and accuse “feminist and LGBTIQ+ movements of threatening civilization itself.”

The agency also suggests that anti-rights groups are guilty of crimes against humanity. Though the claim is not explicit, the article makes the case that anti-rights groups “have pushed for overtly discriminatory policies and restrictions on essential services” and that they use “street and digital organizing to attack the fundamental freedoms of LGBTIQ+ people, often targeting transgender women in particular.”

These accusations reflect word for word the official guidance of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on the international crime of gender persecution, according to which any curtailment of fundamental freedoms or discriminatory policies can rise to the level of a crime against humanity.

The article also complains that homosexual/transgender agenda is finding it more difficult to operate around the world because governments make it “difficult for LGBTIQ+ organizations to register, organize, and receive foreign funding for their work under laws prohibiting foreign influence.”

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