Pope: The Beautiful Value of All Creatures

Message to Ecology Conference at Gregorian Pontifical University

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Pope Francis has urged participants at a conference on ecology to promote “a more profound appreciation for the gift of our common home,” according to Vatican News on March 7, 2018.
He offered his “prayerful best wishes to all the participants” and asked them to “communicate to the world the beautiful truth that every creature is ‘the object of the Father’s tenderness, who gives it its place in the world”.
The conference is being held March 1-7, 2018, at Gregorian Pontifical University, in Rome.
The conference brings together priests, religious, scientists and teachers to explore the implications for the academy, the church, and society of the teaching of Laudato si’ on the intrinsic worth of all creatures, and the need to re-order human society so as to respect them, and the natural order of the creation.
Through scholarly presentations and dialogue, the conference will identify ways the church may, together with other partners, bring about the radical ecological conversion of individuals and of economic, social and political agencies and communities.

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