Cardinal Walter Kasper will concelebrate Tuesday with four priests of the ecumenical community, founded during World War II by the Swiss religious, son of a Protestant pastor.

Brother Roger, 90, was murdered Aug. 16 by an apparently unstable Romanian woman during vespers attended by hundreds.

Cardinal Kasper will deliver the homily. Brother Alois, the Taizé Community's new prior, will address those present at the ceremony, which will be attended by leaders of Christian churches and communities.

The ceremony, which will start at 2 p.m. local time, and will be broadcast live by KTO French Catholic television. KTO will transmit it later on Internet ( It will also be broadcast by Notre Dame Radio (

A press statement issued by the (community said: "At the end of the ceremony, during which meditative hymns will be sung, Brother Roger will be buried, in the presence only of brothers of the community, in the small cemetery surrounding the Romanesque church of the town of Taizé, where his mother and several siblings are buried."