Milan to Host Taizé Prayer Meeting

ROME, MARCH 22, 2005 ( Milan will host the next prayer meeting of European young people organized by the Taizé Ecumenical Community.

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Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, the city’s archbishop, made the announcement Saturday in Milan’s cathedral, according to a message today to ZENIT by the Taizé founder Brother Roger.

«The cardinal expressed his confidence that the diocese’s reception of the participants and Milanese families’ hospitality to the young people would be as generous as it was seven years ago,» at a previous Taizé meeting, said the message.

Cardinal Tettamanzi added that the meeting was part of a pilgrimage of confidence across the earth «born 30 years ago from an intuition of Brother Roger.»

Lisbon, Hamburg, Paris and Budapest were the last cities to host the year-end prayer meetings. The Milan event runs next Dec. 28 to Jan. 1.

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