VATICAN CITY, JAN. 6, 2011 ( The Magi who journeyed to adore the Child Jesus show all people the way to God through creation and Scripture, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope made this reflection today during his homily in Mass for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

He reflected on the Gospel story of the Magi and their journey to follow the star in search of the Messiah.

The Pontiff noted that these Magi "were probably wise men who scrutinized the sky but not to try to 'read' the future in the stars, eventually to extract some gain; rather, they were men 'in search' of something more, in search of the true light, which would be able to indicate the way to follow in life."

"They were persons who were certain that in creation there is what we could define as the 'signature' of God, a signature that man can and must try to discover and decipher," he added.

"Those men were seeking the traces of God; they were seeking to read his 'signature' in creation," the Holy Father affirmed. "They were certain, namely, that God can be perceived in creation."

He continued, "They also knew that it is not with any telescope but with the profound eyes of reason in search of the ultimate meaning of reality and with the desire of God moved by faith, that it is possible to find him."

"The universe is not the result of chance, as some would have us believe," Benedict XVI stated.

"Contemplating it," he explained, "we are invited to read in it something profound: the wisdom of the Creator, the inexhaustible imagination of God, his infinite love for us."

Ultimate meaning

The Pope exhorted, "We must not let our minds be limited by theories that come only to a certain point and that -- if we look well -- are not in fact in concurrence with the faith" and "do not succeed in explaining the ultimate meaning of reality."

"In the beauty of the world," he added, "in its mystery, in its grandeur and its rationality we cannot but read the eternal rationality, and we cannot but let ourselves be guided by it to the one God, creator of heaven and earth."

If we have this perspective, the Pontiff said, "we will see that he who has created the world is he who is born in a cave in Bethlehem and continues to dwell in our midst in the Eucharist," the same living God who "loves us, and wishes to lead us to eternal life."

The Holy Father added that "the language of creation enables us to follow a good portion of the way to God, but it does not give us the definitive light."

"In the end," he noted, "for the Magi it was indispensable to hear the voice of the Sacred Scriptures," which "alone could indicate the way to them."

Benedict XVI continued, "It is the Word of God that is the true star, which, in the uncertainty of human discourses, offers us the immense splendor of the divine truth."

He urged his listeners, "Let us allow ourselves to be guided by the star, which is the Word of God, let us follow it in our life, walking with the Church, where the Word has pitched its tent."

"Our way will always be illumined by a light that no other sign can give us," the Pope affirmed. "And we too will be able to become stars for others, reflection of that light that Christ made to shine over us."

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