VATICAN CITY, JUNE 27, 2004 ( John Paul II will give the pallium this Tuesday, solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul, to 44 metropolitan archbishops in St. Peter's Square.

The pallium, a white woolen band, embroidered with six black crosses and worn around the neck, recalls the figure of the Good Shepherd who carries a lamb on his shoulders. It symbolizes the Pope's concession of authority and communion to heads of major local churches.

The archbishops scheduled to receive the pallium are:

-- Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
-- Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg, Germany
-- Sean O'Malley of Boston, Massachusetts
-- Hans-Josef Becker of Paderborn, Germany

-- Ramón Benito de la Rosa y Carpio of Santiago, Dominican Republic
-- André Lacrampe of Besançon, France
-- Valerian Okeke of Onitsha, Japan
-- Gaudencio Borbon Rosales of Manila, Philippines

-- Alano Maria Pena of Niteroi, Brazil
-- Joseph Mitsuaki Takami of Nagasaki, Japan
-- Henry Mansell of Hartford, Connecticut
-- Kevin McDonald of Southwark, Great Britain

-- José Luis Chávez Botello of Antequera, Mexico
-- Fulgence Rabeony of Toliara, Madagascar
-- Joseph Edra Ukpo of Calabar, Nigeria
-- Michel Méranville of Fort-de-France, Martinique

-- Matias Patrício de Macêdo of Natal, Brazil
-- Juan Antonio Ugarte Pérez of Cuzco, Peru
-- José Paulino Ríos Reynoso of Arequipa, Peru
-- Raymond Burke of St. Louis, Missouri

-- Carlo Caffarra of Bologna, Italy
-- Edoardo Menichelli of Ancona-Osimo, Italy
-- Joseph Cheng Tsai-Fa of Taipei, Taiwan
-- Raymond Roussin of Vancouver, British Columbia

-- Lawrence Burke of Kingston, Jamaica
-- Patrick Pinder of Nassau, Bahamas
-- João Bráz de Aviz of Brasilia, Brazil
-- Walmor Oliveira de Azevedo of Belo Horizonte, Brazil

-- Raymundo Damasceno Assis of Aparecida, Brazil
-- Roland Minnerath of Dijon, France
-- Wladislaw Ziolek of Lodz, Poland
-- Joseph Augustine Charanakunnel of Raipur, India

-- Pietro Coccia of Pesaro, Italy
-- Marie Daniel Dadiet of Korhogo, Ivory Coast
-- Jean-Charles Descubes of Rouen, France
-- Marian Golebiewski of Wroclaw, Poland

-- Luiz Manchila Vilela of Vitoria, Brazil
-- Diarmuid Martin of Dublin, Ireland
-- Aldo Di Cillo Pagotto of Paraiba, Brazil
-- Ramon C. Argüelles of Lipa, Philippines

-- Moacyr José Vitti of Curitiba, Brazil
-- Robert Ndlovu of Harare, Zimbabwe
-- Bruno Gamberini of Campinas, Brazil
-- Milton Antonio Dos Santos of Cuiaba, Brazil

According to the Vatican press office, these eight archbishops will receive the pallium in their respective metropolitan sees:

-- Aloysius Sudarso of Palembang, Indonesia
-- Hubert Constant of Cap-Haitien, Haiti
-- Evarist Pinto of Karachi, Pakistan
-- Nicolaus Adi Septura of Merauke, Indonesia

-- José de Queirós Alves of Huambo, Angola
-- Anthony Anandarayar of Pondicherry and Cuddalore, India
-- Maria Callist Soosa Pakiam of Trivandrum of the Latins, India
-- Lluís Martínez Sistach of Barcelona, Spain.