LATEST NEWS Cardinal Coutts: in Pakistan the Poor are Victims of a Double Tragedy Sep 29, 2020 00:28 ZENIT Staff
Justice and Peace US Bishops Ask Faithful to Pray Rosary for Victims of Italian Quake «Let us join with the Holy Father in prayer for everyone suffering from Louisiana to central Italy» Aug 25, 2016 19:38 ZENIT Staff
Justice and Peace Diocese of Baton Rouge Establishes Special Fund for Those Seeking to Help Flood Victims Bishop praises resilient, ‘amazingly good’ spirit of those who’ve lost so much Aug 19, 2016 20:44 Kathleen Naab
Spirituality Pope Sends Condolences to Flooding Victims in Chile, Peru Heaviest Rainfall in 80 Years Causes Massive Landslides Mar 30, 2015 00:00 Junno Arocho Esteves
Archives Church Helps Thousands of Displaced Flood Victims in Malawi Types of Distributions Include Clothes, Food, Money, Other Aid Mar 18, 2015 00:00 ZENIT Staff
Spirituality Pope Appeals on Behalf of Flood Victims in Eastern Europe Also Requests Prayers for Chinese Christians May 21, 2014 00:00 ZENIT Staff