Pro-life Awareness Raised for Elections in U.S.

Candidates’ Positions Listed on Web Site

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DENVER, Colorado, NOV. 4, 2002 ( On the eve of elections that could affect pro-life legislation and policy in the United States, Catholics were being urged not to leave their faith out of Tuesday’s voting.

«There can never be a ‘wall of separation’ between our religious faith and our civic choices,» said Archbishop Charles Chaput, in a letter read at Masses over the weekend.

«In the Scriptures today, God tells us that, ‘A great King am I, the Lord of hosts, and my name will be feared among the nations,'» the letter said. «If we really believe in the God we worship, then we must always be Catholic Christians first; we must always follow Jesus Christ and his Church first — and only because of that, do we have anything valuable to offer to the political and economic life of our nation.»

«We get the elected officials we deserve,» the archbishop’s letter continued. «We’ll be judged by the choices we make. In every election year, every Catholic who can vote has the serious obligation to do so. And in this election year especially, where some candidates clearly disregard the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, we need to build the culture of life by our actions. Before we vote, we need to remember our faith, and we need to act accordingly.»

One political action committee, the We Vote Pro-Life PAC has set up a Web page that summarizes pro-life positions, candidate by candidate, state by state.

The page is at

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