'Reality' Video Highlights Australian Priests' Lives

Cameras Follow Pair as They Serve Their Flock

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GEELONG, Australia, OCT. 2, 2003 (Zenit.org).- Father Kevin Dillon and Father Max Vodola have become movie stars of sorts due to the popularity of the video «Priests 24/7.»

The two men are not actors, but were serving at St. Mary of the Angles Parish when a video production crew tagged along with them as they were on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Father Vodola is now parish priest of St. Joseph the Worker in North Reservoir in the Melbourne Archdiocese.

John Santamaria, executive producer, wanted to do this project in order to counter adverse media coverage of priests in Australia and highlight the good works done every day by thousands of men who were dedicated to their vocation.

The video portrays Fathers Dillon and Vodola as leaders, teachers, counselors, preachers and celebrants as they visit schools, hospitals and local parishioners.

The film also captures them as men of public and private prayer — praying alone, preparing homilies and celebrating Mass and the sacraments of marriage and baptism.

Demand has exceeded the expectations of the producers, as more than 300 videos and DVDs have been ordered for schools or parishes. Director Peter Thomas noted, «This is equivalent to a gold record in the music industry.»

Santamaria and Father Dillon have made appearances on television and radio, and the independent firm Albert Street Productions is negotiating to secure broadcast rights with an Australian network.

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