Youths and Their Kin Urged to Be Open to a Vocation

VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 2004 ( John Paul II appealed to young people — and their families — to be open if God calls the youths to the priesthood or consecrated life.

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«Know that the Lord does not let himself be outdone in generosity and that every call of his is a great blessing, including for the family of the one who has been called,» the Pope said.

The Holy Father made his appeal today when he received the general assembly of the Italian bishops’ conference, which has expressed its concern over the shortage of consecrated vocations.

«I wish to address, also in your name, a warm invitation to the young men and women of Italy so that they will take into account with attention and serenity and eventually accept, not with fear but with joy, the call the Lord addresses to them,» the Pope said.

«It is an extraordinary gift that opens new horizons of life to those who are called, as well as to many brothers and sisters,» he added.

«I address the same invitation to availability and confidence to the families of the persons called, concerned on many occasions about the future of their children,» he said. «I say to them, do not linger over earthly considerations.»

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