Papal Charity Gives $2 Million to Latin America

VATICAN CITY, JULY 28, 2005 ( A Vatican foundation allocated more than $2 million to the integral development of minority communities in Latin America.

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The 212 projects to be funded were selected during a meeting of the administrative council of the «Populorum Progressio» Foundation, held in Lima, Peru, from July 19-22.

Of the aid given, 60% was allocated to education, and 20% to agriculture, reported Vatican Radio.

«Populorum Progressio,» founded in 1992 by John Paul II, assists the indigenous, mestizo, and black populations in Latin America.

Since its creation, the foundation, entrusted to the Pontifical Council «Cor Unum,» has contributed almost $20 million to finance over 2,000 projects.

In statements on Vatican Radio, Monsignor Segundo Tejado Muñoz, representative of «Cor Unum,» explained that «it is necessary to keep in mind that the Church is not an exclusively philanthropic organization; therefore, we want the projects to give testimony of the Church’s presence through works of charity.»

According to the priest, the projects being funded extend from social halls for the local Christian communities to agricultural enterprises for 20-25 families, such as, for example, greenhouses and specific crops.

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