It's a Make-or-Break Moment, Say Bishops

Issue Statement on US Financial Crisis

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BALTIMORE, Maryland, NOV. 11, 2008 ( The economic crisis can make or break the nation, says the president of the U.S. episcopal conference in a statement on the country’s financial downturn.

Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George said this today in a statement issued on behalf of all the bishops. Titled “Solidarity at a Time of Economic Crisis,” the text was approved at the episcopate’s three-day fall assembly, under way in Baltimore through Thursday.

«We want to express our active support and solidarity with all those who are being hurt by the current economic crisis,» the statement began. «As pastors and bishops, we see the many human and moral consequences of this crisis.»

The prelates noted that while the situation impacts some more than others, «across our nation families are losing their homes; retirement savings are threatened; workers are losing jobs and health care; and many people are losing a sense of hope and security.»

«This disturbing and complicated situation brings home a universal truth: we are all children of God,» the statement continued. «We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. We are all in this together.

«Hard times can isolate us or they can bring us together. The Catholic community will continue to reach out to those in need, stand with those who are hurt, and work for policies that bring greater compassion, accountability and justice to economic life.»

They added, «We pray that, working together, we can find the courage, wisdom and ways to build an economy of prosperity and greater justice for all.»

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