The Hard Case of Down Syndrome

A response to: Discovery of Down Chromosome Called a Victory

The routine abortion of 90% of children with Down syndrome is one of the most tragic manifestations of the culture of death.

Focus on this issue is, I think, one of the best ways to advocate for the right to life.

Pro-choice groups often raise the issue of «hard cases.» But certainly the routine abortion of children with this syndrome is a «hard case» that the Pro-life movement can use (sex selection is another), because the same progressives (I will not quibble over labels) who support reproductive choice also often fight for the rights of the disabled.

Perhaps an international campaign focusing on this issue would be in order, perhaps focusing, in particular, on the adoption of children with Down syndrome.

Perhaps this is a project that some Catholic dioceses might consider taking on — creating a registry of Catholics in their region who would welcome a baby with Down syndrome. The registry could then be publicized, asking couples considering abortion to consider adoption instead.

Perhaps another way is for companies that make pro-life clothing to produce shirts with the message «I want to adopt a child with Down syndrome.»

Michael Trolly,

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