Benedict XVI: Entire Universe Will Pass Away

Says Christians Are Not of This World

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VATICAN CITY, NOV. 15, 2009 ( Benedict XVI is reminding Christians that creation is finite and passing, but that God’s word remains forever and raises us to eternal life as well.

The Pope stated this today before praying the midday Angelus with the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

Reflecting on today’s liturgy, and the forthcoming end of the liturgical year, he gave thanks to God «who has enabled us to carry out, yet again, this journey of faith — old and always new — in the great spiritual family of the Church.»

The Word of God is a «seed of eternity that transforms this world from within and opens it to the Heavenly Kingdom,» the Pontiff affirmed.

He reflected on Jesus’ words in the Gospel, that the «whole universe, the entire cosmos» will pass away.

«The whole of creation is marked by finiteness,» the Holy Father stated, even those «elements divinized by ancient mythologies.»

In this sense, he added, there is a clear distinction between creation and the Creator, because God’s words are eternal and «will not pass.»

Benedict XVI explained that all those who hear the Word of God, «receive it and bear fruit» are «part of the Kingdom of God, that is, they live under his lordship; they remain in the world, but are no longer of the world.»

He continued, «In them is a seed of eternity, a principle of transformation that already now is manifested in a good life, animated by charity, and in the end will produce the resurrection of the flesh.»

This is the «power of the Word of Christ,» the Pope pointed out.

He concluded by highlighting the example of the Virgin Mary who «received with full disposition the Word of God,» and lived her entire life «transformed according to the image of the Son.»

In prayer, the Pontiff said, let us imitate her by «following Christ on the way of the Cross,» so that «we might also be able to come to the glory of the Resurrection.»

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