Article: 56 Churches Damaged in ’09 in Karnataka, India
During the latter part of 1967, I traveled extensively through out the region of Southern India. On a bus ride to Punjab State, I sat next to a Maryknoll Priest, returning to Calcutta to retrieve his personal effects. It seems that the communists who had been recently elected, shut down his mission and forced him to leave the country. At the time, India was celebrating their year 25 anniversary of Independence from Britain. I thought it rather ironic that those with the taste of freedom in their mouths would be so uncharitable to those who gave so much to the poor. The Catholic Priest was a kind and generous man. I have often wondered through the years how he and his Order in India have fared. In this day of enlightenment, it is sad to note such religious intolerance any where in the world.
The Indians are a hardworking and friendly people and it is a shame to see this stain appear on their National honor.
William Sowles