Pontiff Calls Assistant "Wise and Prudent Virgin"

Says Mass for Repose of Soul of Manuela Camagni

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VATICAN CITY, DEC. 2, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI called Manuela Camagni, one of his assistants who died this week after she was struck by a car, a «wise, prudent virgin,» who carried with her the oil of faith.

The Pope said this today during a Mass at the Vatican for the repose of the soul of Camagni, 56, who was a member of the association of Memores Domini and who formed part of a team of women who look after the papal apartments.

The Pontiff reflected that Camagni was preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of joining the Memores Domini community, but her celebration was cut short. Instead, the Holy Father noted, «we took her to the cemetery, we sang that the angels might accompany her to paradise, we guided her to the definitive celebration, to the great celebration of God, to the marriage of the Lamb.»

He called Capmagni a «a wise, prudent virgin,» who «carried oil in her lamp, the oil of faith, a lived faith, a faith nourished by prayer, by conversation with the Lord, by meditation on the Word of God, by communion in friendship with Christ.»

«Her faith was charity, giving herself to others, living in the service of the Lord for others,» he added.

«We know that Manuel was a person deeply penetrated with joy, that joy that comes from the memory of God,» the Pontiff continued.

Benedict XVI lamented that mankind is «created for joy, but we no longer know where joy is, and we seek it in different places. Today we see this desperate search for joy that increasingly moves away from its true source, the true joy. Forgetfulness of God, forgetfulness of our true memory.»

«Manuela,» however, the Pope continued, «was not one who lost her memory, she lived in the living memory of the Creator. In the joy of his relationship, seeing the transparency of God in all creation, even in the daily events of our lives, she understood that joy comes from this memory.»
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