"Catholics Come Home" Continues Evangelizing With Football

Coach Holtz to Invite Catholics to Mass in Ad Before Playoff Game

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A group called Catholics Come Home took advantage of last week’s college football bowl week to send a message to lapsed Catholics: «So if you or your family haven’t been going to Mass every week, get back in the game! We’re saving your seat on the starting bench this Sunday. Welcome Home!»

The voice delivering that message in the 30-second TV ad is legendary football coach Lou Holtz, who coached Notre Dame to the National Title in 1988 during their last undefeated season.

The ad caught national attention, with an article in the Washington Post considering its message.

The «Coach Holtz» evangomercial is now set to air as the spot right before the kick-off in the Falcons playoff game this Sunday, Jan. 13 on Fox 5 Atlanta.  

More than a dozen other airings will follow in prime-time next week in Atlanta, Georgia, including spots at the end of the season premier week on American Idol, Jan. 16 and 17.

Tom Peterson, founder of Catholics Come Home, says the ad is a testament to God’s work.

«The Holy Spirit inspired me to write this script more than a year ago, long before Notre Dame ever played its first game of their undefeated season. Then by God’s grace, I ran into Coach Holtz last July in the Los Angeles airport and was able to invite him to star in this spot!» Peterson said. «It’s quite apparent that God is watching over us and has a wonderful plan in store!»

Peterson has also shared an interview with Holtz, in which the coach offers his advice on doing what’s right, reflections on the sacraments, and his own time at Notre Dame. It’s also sprinkled with Holtz’s humorous reflections on living the faith.

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On the Net:

Commercial: http://vimeo.com/55955382

Interview: http://vimeo.com/53152768

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