Obedience is the path to freedom, Francis said in his homily at this morning’s Mass.
In the customary early morning Mass celebrated at his residence, Domus Sanctae Marthae, Francis today spoke of obeying God and discerning his will, Vatican Radio reported.
«To obey God,” said Pope Francis, “is to listen to Him, to have an open heart, to go on the road that God shows us.”
«This is what makes us free,» he added.
Francis also spoke of the difficulties that often accompany our efforts to discern the true voice of God speaking to us. He said, “In our lives we hear things that do not come from Jesus,” adding, “our weaknesses at times lead us on [the wrong] road.”
Nevertheless, God does not leave us to our devices. He does not abandon us to our weakness and sinfulness. “It is precisely the Holy Spirit,” he said, “who gives us the strength to go forward.”
«He sends His spirit without measure, [in order that we might] hear Jesus,” and walk in His way,» Francis reflected.