Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration Takes Place in Rome

Cathedrals and Dioceses Around the World Synchronize to Year of Faith Event in St. Peter’s Basilica

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On Sunday at 5pm local time, cathedrals and dioceses around the world synchronized with the Holy Father in Rome during the Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration which took place in St. Peter’s Basilica.

The Year of Faith event is the first time in the Church’s history that such a celebration was held simultaneously around the world. The initiative, which was under the theme of «One Lord, One Faith» involved also parishes, religious congregations and lay associations around the world.

The Holy See also invited those participating across the globe to pray for two intentions by the Holy Father.

The Pope’s first intention was: “For the Church spread throughout the world and united today in the adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist as a sign of unity. May the Lord make her ever more obedient to hearing his Word in order to stand before the world ‘ever more beautiful, without stain or blemish, but holy and blameless.’ That through her faithful announcement, the Word that saves may still resonate as the bearer of mercy and may increase love to give full meaning to pain and suffering, giving back joy and serenity.”

Pope Francis second intention focused on those suffering around the world, particularly those who are victims of slavery, war, human trafficking, drug running, and violence.

«For the children and women,» the Holy Father’s intention continues, «who are suffering from every type of violence. May their silent scream for help be heard by a vigilant Church so that, gazing upon the crucified Christ, she may not forget the many brothers and sisters who are left at the mercy of violence. Also, for all those who find themselves in economically precarious situations, above all for the unemployed, the elderly, migrants, the homeless, prisoners, and those who experience marginalization. That the Church’s prayer and its active nearness give them comfort and assistance in hope and strength and courage in defending human dignity.”

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