Pope to Celebrate Mass at the Gesu on Friday

Liturgy Marks Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus and Canonization Announcement of Peter Faber SJ

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Pope Francis will celebrate Mass tomorrow morning, Jan. 3, at the Gesù, the mother-church of the Jesuits.

The Holy Father will be visiting the church, located in downtown Rome, to mark the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. The liturgy will also celebrate the Vatican announcement last month that Pope Francis will declare Peter Faber, SJ, a saint.

The Name of Jesus is the ‘title’ of the Jesuits, also known as the Society of Jesus, making it the order’s principle feast. Many Jesuits are especially interested to hear what Francis, the first Jesuit Pope in history, will say at tomorrow’s Mass about the order founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Concelebrating with the Pope will be his brother Jesuits present in Rome. It will be Francis’ third visit to the Gesù since his election. 

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