Pope's In-Flight Greetings to Media

«All religions want peace. Others want war»

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Here is a ZENIT translation of the greetings Pope Francis gave to journalists Wednesday afternoon on his flight to Poland.
Father Lombardi:
So, Holy Father, welcome among us. Thank you for taking some time, also on this trip, to greet us and be with us. We are, as usual, more than 70 from 15 different countries, and we hope to do a good service to spread your words and your message in these very important days.
We are in days that move us all, as we know, because of what is happening in the world, because of what happened yesterday; therefore, we will be grateful if, before greeting us personally, you say a word about how you are living this moment and how you are preparing to meet the young people of the world in this situation. Thank you, Holy Father.
Pope Francis:
Good morning, and thank you for your work.
A word that – on this that Father Lombardi was saying – is repeated a lot is “insecurity.” However, the true word is “war.” For some time we have been saying: the world is in a piecemeal war.” This is war. There was that of ’14, with its methods; then that of ’39-’45, another great war in the world; and now there is this one. It’s not so organic, perhaps; organized, yes, but organic … I say … But it’s war. This holy priest, who died in fact at the moment he was offering the prayer for the whole Church, is one; but how many Christians, how many innocents, how many children … We think of Nigeria, for instance. “But that’s Africa …” It’s war. We aren’t afraid to say this truth: the world is at war, because it has lost peace.
Thank you so much for your work in this Youth Day. Youth always mean hope to us. We hope that the young people will say to one another something that will give us a bit more hope at this moment. For yesterday’s event, I would like to thank all those that made themselves heard with their condolences, especially the President of France, who wished to be connected telephonically with me, as a brother. I thank him.
Thank you.

Related: A Look at How the Holy Father Has Referred to Global Violence as a ‘Third World War Fought Piecemeal’

Father Lombardi:
Thank you, Holy Father. Be sure that we too will try to work with you for peace in these days.
[The Holy Father greeted the journalists individually] Pope Francis:
I would like to say one word to clarify. When I speak of war, I speak seriously of war, not a war of religion, no. There is a war of interests, there is war for money; there is war for nature’s resources: “He’s speaking of a war of religion.” No. All religions want peace. Others want war. Understood?
[Original text: Italian]  [Translation by ZENIT]

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