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Cardinal Charles Bo's Appeal for Peace

‘We appeal to all religious leaders to be instrument of peace … STOP ALL WARS, MAKE PEACE. ‘

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Below is an appeal for peace made to political and military leaders, and armed groups on Nov. 15 by Cardinal Charles Bo of Yangon (Myanmar). His Eminence has provided the appeal’s text to ZENIT:
Make Peace the Common Religion of All
Myanmar Citizens
An Appeal to the Political leaders, Military Leaders
and Armed Groups
Date 15 November 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters of this Great Nation,
Greetings to you all.
 We, representatives of all religions, living in Myanmar earnestly appeal to our country men and women, our political leaders, our Military leaders and Armed Groups, to seek the path of reconciliation and make peace the common religion of all our people.
 Democracy has its dawn. We had 21st Century Panglong with the participation of all groups. We have a vibrant parliament and press. Our country is courted by the world. Millions arrive every year to see this nation as tourists. We had one of the most peaceful and meaningful elections in the world. Daw Su leads the nation with confidence and wisdom. Our dreams are slowly becoming a reality. We deeply appreciate all those worked for this.
 But the nightmare of war continues. More than 200,000 are refugees in their own land. Old conflicts are pestering whilst new conflicts are bursting out from many areas. Internal Displacement has its consequences of human trafficking, drug menace and imploding violence in the communities.
 Our wars are not winnable. Sixty years have proved that. It has inflicted chronic suffering on thousands. It has deterred human development and provoked greater animosity.
 Gen Aung San had the sagacity to involve in dialogue. First Panglong explored the areas of
consensus leave contentious issues for later perusal. Gen Aung San favored a federal solution. Her daughter Daw Sui Kyi could bring diverse actors for dialogue.
 We appeal to all of you, political leaders of NLD, military leaders, Armed group leaders, ethnic
political parties and civil society groups to explore a consensual politics of conflict resolution.
 We appeal to all religious leaders to be instrument of peace. Myanmar needs only one religion today: that is peace as the common religion. So our pilgrimage to the Panglong Peace has only on appeal : STOP ALL WARS, MAKE PEACE. We are brothers and Sisters. Bring peace with Justice to all.
Signed by: 
[Text of appeal provided to ZENIT by Cardinal Bo]

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Cardinal Charles Bo

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