Pope Francis has met with about 3,000 young people of the Shalom Catholic Community, on the 35th anniversary of its founding.
During the Sept. 4, 2017, audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father welcomed pilgrims from some 26 countries.
At the gathering, Francis responded candidly to questions posed to him from French Justine Lafeffèrrie, 25, Chilean missionary Juan Jose, 26, and Brazilian Matteus Patricio, 22.
The Shalom Catholic Community is having a Sept. 3-9 conference in Rome to commemorate the 35th year of the founding of the institution.
On ZENIT’s Web page:
About the Shalom Catholic Community: https://zenit.org/articles/shalom-catholic-community-2/

CTV Screenshot - SHALOM
Pope Meets Shalom Catholic Community's Young People
Responds Candidly to 3 Questions They Pose to Him