Thank you, thank you! Thank you for what you do, said Pope Francis to the crew of the Cantabria ship, which aids immigrants in the Mediterranean.
The crew of the Spanish ship Cantabria was present at this morning’s General Audience.
The Holy Father was especially grateful to the crew of the Cantabria, which helps immigrants in the sea. The ship’s crew numbers 164 and has lodging for an onboard air unit (UNAEMB) and 20 additional reserve units.
The combat supply ship Cantabria belongs to the Spanish Armada and carries out missions of operative logistical support to a Naval Force or an Expeditionary Force, but it also engages in humanitarian aid and operations of environmental defense.
Its geographic ambit of operation is anywhere in the world with the exception of Arctic waters.

Immigrants Helped by the Crew of the Cantabria Ship. CTV Screen Capture
Cantabria Ship: ‘Thank You for What You Do!’
Pope Is Grateful for the Crew’s Humanitarian Work with Immigrants