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Pilgrimage of the Virgin of Zapopan Celebrated in Mexico

Nearly two million faithful accompanied ‘La Generala’

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The Catholic faith of Mexicans expressed itself publicly on October 12, in the traditional pilgrimage of the Virgin of Zapopan, in Mexico. Nearly two million faithful accompanied «La Generala», on her return to the Basilica, according to Fides News Agency.

This transfer has been carried out for almost 300 years without interruption. The pilgrimage covers just over nine kilometers, during which the faithful pray the rosary, sing and praise the Virgin. Cardinals Francisco Robles Ortega, Archbishop of Guadalajara, and Juan Sandoval Iñiguez, Archbishop emeritus of the same ecclesiastical district, accompanied the faithful.

At the beginning and at the end of the pilgrimage, the Cardinals commented on the reality of the Mexican people, which shows their rejection of abortion and its support for life from the moment of conception. Cardinal Sandoval Iñiguez pointed out that when Catholics are not coherent with their faith, then federal authorities act in a certain way against freedom and the family.

During the welcoming mass of the Virgin in Zapopan, Cardinal Francisco Robles said that the fundamental right of every person is the right to life. «Ideologies want to impose their program on society and slowly they are undermining the consciences, to the point that they make something that is not good seem good», he said.

Cardinal Robles Ortega stressed that one cannot speak of a «re-foundation of Jalisco» without the Virgin Mary, referring to the program of the state government».

Finally, the Archbishop of Guadalajara spoke of the Missionary Month and its relationship with Mary, since «the image (of the Virgin of Zapopan) is the bearer of God». He then highlighted the close relationship of the Virgin Mary with the Church, «a model of virtue for the whole community of the elect». «The Bishops of Aparecida remind us that, in the mystery of Mary, like her and following her example, the Church finds its identity and its mission of mother, disciple, missionary and service».

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