LATEST NEWS Synod Eyes ‘Creativity’ of the Church for New Ministries in the Amazon Oct 09, 2019 20:39 Rosa Die Alcolea
Meetings ‘Jewish Autumn Feasts’: Pope Francis Expresses Good Wishes to World’s Jewish Communities Message to the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni Oct 09, 2019 15:13 Staff Reporter
General Audience POPE’S GENERAL AUDIENCE: On the Acts of the Apostles & St. Paul’s Conversion ‘Let us ask the Father to make us also experience, as Saul did, the impact of His love, which can only make of a heart of stone a heart of flesh’ Oct 09, 2019 14:19 Staff Reporter
General Audience General Audience: Pope: St. Paul Transformed From Fierce Persecutor of Church to Fearless Preacher of Gospel ‘Our immersion in the Paschal Mystery at baptism signifies, as it did for Paul, the start of a new life, a fresh way of viewing God and others’ Oct 09, 2019 13:58 Staff Reporter