The Pope Has a Cold and it is Running its Course

Statement by Director of Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni

The Holy Land: ‘Physical Place Where Jesus Lived Agony, Transforming It Into Redemptive Action Thanks to Infinite Love’

Cardinal Sandri Explains Collection for Holy Land Helps Safeguard Christians in Middle East, Give Voice to Voiceless, & Preserve Sanctuaries

Summary of Principal Projects (2018-2019) from Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

‘The Collection for the Holy Land was born from desire of Popes to maintain strong link between all faithful & the Holy Places, … & to express solidarity with ecclesial communities of Middle East’

Collection for the Holy Land – Summary Report of Works & Projects Completed With 2018/2019 Collection

‘The Custody of the Holy Land, for centuries has been committed to preservation & revitalization of Holy Places of Christianity in Land of Jesus & throughout Middle East’

Lenten Retreat: Reflection on Resistance to Grace and Idolatry

March 3 Homilies

Canadian Bishops’ Standing Committee for Responsible Ministry Holds Inaugural Meeting

‘Eager to Work and Bring Forward Real Change to Prevent Abuse from Ever Occurring’

Christian in India Released on Bail After 11 Years in Jail on False Accusation

Aid to the Church in Need Interviews Bhsakar Sunamajhi

Christians in Pakistan Demand Justice for Saleem Masih

Young Christian Labeled ‘Dirty Christian’

Australian Bishops Offer Guidance in Light of Coronavirus

Risk Still Considered Low

Pope Appoints Bishop of Montelíbano, Colombia

Reverend Farly Yovany Gil Betancur