Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Zen, Sandoval and Sarah Are Those Who Presented The Five Questions, Called “Dubia” Photo: Digital Religion

Cardinals That Presented Dubia to the Pope Explain Why They Did So

The Cardinals point out that the Pope did not answer a reformulation of the Dubia presented on August 21

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Valentina di Giorgio

(ZENIT News / Rome, 02.10.2023).- On October 2 five Cardinals that presented the Dubia to Pope Francis on some topics, which allegedly will be addressed in the Synod on Synodality, explained why they did so. They did so though a “Notification to the faithful of Christ (canon 212 § 3) in regard to the ‘Dubia’ presented to Pope Francis.”

In that Notification, Cardinals Walter Branmülller, Raymond Leo Burke, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Robert Sarah and Joseph Zen Ze-kiun explain that as members of the College of Cardinals, “in keeping with the duty of all the faithful to express to the sacred Pastors their opinion on that which pertains to the Church “ (canon 212 § 3) and, above all, in keeping with the responsibility of the Cardinals to ‘assist the Roman Pontiff . . . personally . . .  helping the Pope especially in his daily governance of the universal Church’ (canon 349), in view of the different statements of high-ranking Prelates — relating to the forthcoming celebration of the Synod of Bishops, which are openly contrary to the constant doctrine and discipline of the Church, and which have generated and continue generating great confusion, as well as the falling into error among faithful and other people of good will –, we have expressed our profound concern to the Roman Pontiff.”

Then they state that “Through our letter of July 10, 2023, using the well-known practice of the presentation of Dubia [questions] to a superior to give the superior the occasion to clarify, through his “responsa” [answers], the doctrine and discipline of the Church, we have presented five “Dubia” to Pope Francis.” And they add: “In his letter of July 11, 2023, Pope Francis responded to our letter.”

In this Notification, the Cardinals reveal one more piece of information: “Having studied your letter, which did not follow the practice of the ‘responsa ad Dubia’ [answers to questions], we reformulate the ‘Dubia’ to obtain a clear answer based on the perennial doctrine and discipline of the Church. By the letter of August 21, 2023, we present to the Roman Pontiff the reformulated ‘Dubia’ (. . . ).” And they point out: “To date, we have not received an answer to the reformulated Dubia.”

The Notification ends thus: “Given the gravity of the matter of the Dubia, especially in view of the imminent session of the Synod of Bishops, we judge it our duty to inform you, the faithful (canon 2112 § 3), so that you do not remain subject to confusion, error and discouragement, but that you pray for the universal Church and, in particular, for the Roman Pontiff, so that the Gospel is taught ever more clearly and followed ever more faithfully.”

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