Justin Trudeau Photo: El Mundo

Canada: Trudeau Against Religious Freedom Under Bias of “Hate Speech”

The Bible, including the Gospel and Saint Paul’s Letters, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Encyclicals , official Vatican documents, Supreme Pontiffs’ homilies: all could be considered censurable, “odious” and punishable.

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Luca Volonte

(ZENIT News – La Bussola Quotidiana / Otawwa, 18.03.2024).-With two law proposals backed by the Trudeau Government, Canada marks the record of the totalitarian and Orwellian absolutism of a contemporary State, giving the Government the absolute power of recognition, concession, control and limitation of the  inalienable human rights and fundamental liberties of all the citizens. In the first place, with law proposal C-367 — whose process began in November 2023 –, the idea to do away with the exemption clause that protects Priests, Pastors, Churches, Christian organizations and simple believers, who affirm the truth with love in the public square, from criminal complaints.

Up to now, accusations against Christians for so-called “hate crimes” have been very difficult to prove due to the “religious exemption” contained in Section 319 of the Criminal Code, which states: “No person can be condemned for a crime [hate crime] . . .  if, in good faith, the person has expressed or intended to establish with an argument, an opinion on a religious subject  or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.”

The elimination of such a clause would mean the prohibition to share the Christian message publicly, and Christians could be accused  of discriminating against other religions by affirming — according to the Gospel –, that Jesus is “the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). The excuse used by the promoters of the changes is that of protecting the Jewish communities in the light of the recent increase in anti-Semitic protests in Canada . . .  However, in reality, this attacks the religious freedom of all.

Added to this is yet another law proposal, presented by the Canadian Government last February 26, to fight hatred online: the proposal would allow Judges to imprison adults for life if they promote genocide through online statements. The Government’s law proposal, the Law of Online Damages (Draft Law C-63), intends “to defend the child and adolescent public” from online contents, according to Minister of Justice Arif Virani, in recent days, but instead of punishing serial haters for their crimes, it censures freedom of expression, thought and religion.

According to the Government’s Website, the new rules “will create more solid protections for children when they use online platforms and will protect all in Canada from online hatred. The draft law establishes a more secure and inclusive vision.” The  Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), one of the country’s main institutes of defense of Constitutional rights, has described the Online Damages Law as a dangerous “attack” on freedom of expression, “the most aggressive attack against freedom of expression in Canada’s modern history,” which could be used to do away with “fundamental rights.”

The ambiguity of the text and the generality of the definitions open the possibility for every citizen to be persecuted by the Canadian Commission of Human Rights. Anyone could be obliged to pay the Federal Government 50,000 dollars and up to 20,000 dollars to an alleged “victim” who feels offended by what has been written, inverting the principle of the burden of proof.

The Trudeau Government will establish three new national bureaucracies: a Commission for Digital Security, a Civil Defender for Digital Security and an Office for Digital Security, which will spell millions of dollars in new expenses. The Bible, including the Gospel and Saint Paul’s Letters, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Encyclicals , official Vatican documents, Supreme Pontiffs’ homilies: all could be considered censurable, “odious” and punishable. Not sufficient for the perfect Orwellian style, Minister Virani defended the new power (Section 810.012) provided by the Online Damages Law to “impose house arrests on someone that it’s feared might commit a hate crime in the future, even if he/she has not yet done so.” In other words, we are before presumption of culpability, the totalitarian State, the Communist Soviet of the people that hanged the people . . .

Hell is being paved with the “good intentions” of many liberal Governments, which believe they are fighting anti-Semitism and hatred by fighting Christianity and the virtues it embodies. Once again, under Trudeau, Canada is at the vanguard of an illiberal transformation of the State and consolidates a new totalitarianism that, unfortunately, infects the whole West and is increasingly like Communist authoritarianism.

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