The Vatican estimates that over 32 million pilgrims, tourists and visitors will arrive in Rome for the Jubilee of 2025 Photo: Vatican Media

During the Jubilee 2025 Pope Will Also Hold General Audiences on Saturdays

«It has been planned to celebrate the Jubilee of the Rulers between June 20 and 22 of next year, in which several heads of State or Government will be present,» the organizer of the Jubilee 2025 also revealed.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 27.05.2024).- Monsignor Rino Fisichella, responsible for the Jubilee 2025, held a press conference on Monday morning, May 27, at the headquarters of the Foreign Press in Rome. The also Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for the New Evangelization confirmed that, at 87, Pope Francis is “very strong,” and reaffirmed his commitment to the audiences and activities programmed for next year. In fact, it was announced that, in addition to the Wednesday General Audiences, the Holy Father will hold Extraordinary Audiences on Saturdays. “Fortunately, Pope Francis is very strong, and he has already signed and endorsed all the commitments of the calendar that I presented to him months ago,” said Monsignor Fisichella.

Fisichella also said that, if the Pope were to renounce his ministry, the Jubilee of Hope should be cancelled. “I’m not a canonist, but a theologian  . . .  but the Jubilee would cease,” he explained. In case of the renunciation or death of the Pontiff, all the activities would cease, including the tasks of the Heads of Dicasteries.

The Vatican estimates that over 32 million pilgrims, tourists and visitors will arrive in Rome for the Jubilee of 2025. Expected are 2.5 million faithful from the United States, 1.4 million from Germany, almost one million from Great Britain, 255,000 from Argentina and 86,000 from Turkey. Monsignor Fisichella stressed that these figures are estimates based on a scientific and sociological study entrusted to Roma Tre University.

Although specific events for peace haven’t been planned, Monsignor Fisichella pointed out that the Jubilee of Hope is an opportunity for world leaders to reflect on this subject. “Thought has been given to celebrating the Jubilee of Leaders between June 20 to 22 of next year, in which several Heads of State or Government will be present,” he explained. This event could become a key moment for reflection and dialogue on peace and Creation.

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Valentina di Giorgio

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