Pope Francis prayed the Angelus from the window of his papal apartment with at least 15,000 pilgrims and tourists

Pope Francis prayed the Angelus from the window of his papal apartment with at least 15,000 pilgrims and tourists Photo: Vatican Media

What does it mean to wait with confidence? Pope Francis explains

Allocution on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, June 16, 2024

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 06.16.2024).- At noon on Sunday, June 16, Pope Francis prayed the Angelus from the window of his papal apartment with at least 15,000 pilgrims and tourists gathered in St. Peter’s Square. As usual, before the prayer itself, he delivered his address focusing on the Gospel of that Sunday. Below is the English translation of the Pope’s Sunday reflection:


Today the Gospel of the liturgy speaks to us of the Kingdom of God through the image of the seed (cf. Mk 4:26-34). Jesus uses this simile several times (cf. Mt 13:1-23; Mk 4:1-20; Lk 8:4-15), and today He does so by inviting us to reflect in particular on an important attitude connected to the image of the seed: it is the attitude of confident expectation.

Fiéis e peregrinos rezam o Angelus com o Papa Francisco (Vatican Midia)

Indeed, in sowing, no matter how good or abundant the seed the farmer scatters, or how well he prepares the land, the plants do not sprout immediately: it takes time and it takes patience! Therefore, it is necessary that, after having sown, he knows how to wait confidently, to allow the seeds to open at the right moment and the shoots to sprout from the seed and grow, strong enough to guarantee, at the end, an abundant harvest (cf. vv. 28-29). Underground the miracle is already in progress (cf. v. 27), there is enormous development, but it is invisible, it takes patience, and in the meantime it is necessary to to keep tending the turf, watering it and keeping it clean, despite the fact that on the surface nothing seems to be happening.

The Kingdom of God is like this too. The Lord places in us the seeds of His word and His grace, good seeds, abundant seeds, and then, without ever ceasing to accompany us, He waits patiently. The Lord continues to take care of us, with the confidence of a Father, but He gives us time – the Lord is patient – so that the seeds open, grow and develop to the point of bearing the fruits of good works. And this is because He wants nothing in His field to be lost, that everything should reach full maturity; He wants us all to be able to grow like ears of grain.

Not only this. By doing so, the Lord gives us an example: He teaches us too to sow the Gospel confidently wherever we are, and then to wait for the seed that has been sown to grow and bear fruit in us and in others, without becoming discouraged and without ceasing to support and help each other even where, despite our efforts, we do not seem to see immediate results. In fact, often even among us, beyond appearances, the miracle is already underway, and in due course it will bear abundant fruit!

Therefore, we can ask ourselves: do let the Word be sown in me? Do I too sow the Word of God with confidence in the places where I live? Do I wait patiently, or am I discouraged because I do not see the results immediately? And do I know how to entrust everything serenely to the Lord, while doing my best to proclaim the Gospel?

May the Virgin Mary, who welcomed and made the seed of the Word grow within her, help us to be generous and confident sowers of the Gospel.

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