Pope Francis paid a visit to the children and teenagers attending the Vatican's summer camp, "Estate ragazzi in Vaticano."

Pope Francis paid a visit to the children and teenagers attending the Vatican's summer camp, "Estate ragazzi in Vaticano." Photo: Vatican Media

Pope visits children of Vatican employees at the end of summer camp

Upon arriving, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to the benefactors of Casa Santa Marta and then made his way to the newly constructed sports center, dedicated to Saint Joseph.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 07.18.2024).- On the morning of July 18, Pope Francis paid a visit to the children and teenagers attending the Vatican’s summer camp, «Estate ragazzi in Vaticano.» Accompanied by Father Franco Fontana, S.D.B., the organizer of the camp’s diverse activities, the Pope’s visit was filled with heartfelt interactions and inspirational messages.

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Upon arriving, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to the benefactors of Casa Santa Marta and then made his way to the newly constructed sports center, dedicated to Saint Joseph. This facility, designed for the children of Vatican employees, served as the backdrop for a series of engaging activities.

The Pope began his visit with a brief meeting with the camp’s animators, followed by an informal and spirited conversation with the young campers. The children and teenagers eagerly asked questions and shared their experiences, prompting Pope Francis to speak on various important themes. He emphasized the significance of family bonds, the roles of parents and grandparents, and the vital pursuit of peace, stating, «Making peace is the most beautiful thing in life.»

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He also encouraged the youth to prepare for the upcoming jubilee with a spirit of joy and enthusiasm. Following this, the group participated in a moment of prayer, reflecting the spiritual aspect of their summer activities.

In a symbolic gesture, the children released biodegradable, colorful balloons into the sky, each inscribed with the Pope’s message: «For you, dear child, for you, dear girl, you are precious in the eyes of God.» This act was intended to spread the Pope’s words of love and value to as many people as possible.

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The visit concluded with Pope Francis thanking the children for their joy and extending his appreciation to all those involved in organizing the summer camp. The day was a testament to the Pope’s commitment to nurturing the spiritual and personal growth of young people within the Vatican community.

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