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Bold step in Belgium: laywoman to be named in Mass canon at Masses in the capital city

The memorandum further provides detailed guidance on Alsberge’s role during liturgical celebrations. For example, when visiting parishes, Alsberge is instructed to process into the church alongside the presiding priest, sit prominently in the front row, and address the congregation at key moments—after the Gospel and before the final blessing. She also joins clergy in greeting parishioners as they leave the church.

This is the priest (and the story) in which a miracle was worked that will make Pier Giorgio Frassati a saint

But this odd combination of circumstances would eventually prove providential, confounding medical authorities, changing the life of this anonymous seminarian, and forever tying him to another young man who had been dead for almost 100 years: Pier Giorgio Frassati, who in August will be declared a saint of the Catholic Church on account of the miracle of Juan Gutierrez’s ankle.