On Holy Week

Here is the translation of the address Pope Francis’ delivered prior to the recitation of the Angelus at the end of today’s Palm Sunday Mass at St. Peter’s Square.

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Dear brothers and sisters,

At the end of this celebration, we invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary that she might accompany us during Holy Week. May she who followed her Son to Calvary help us to follow him, carrying his cross with serenity and love, to reach the joy of Easter. May the Virgin of Sorrows especially comfort those who are facing the most difficult situations. A thought goes out to those who suffer from tuberculosis since today is the World Tuberculosis Day. To Mary I entrust you in particular, dear young people, and your journey toward Rio de Janeiro.

See you in Rio in July! Prepare your heart spiritually.

Buon cammino a tutti!

Bonne route à tous !

I wish you all much joy on your journey.

Alles Gute für euren Weg auf Ostern hin und nach Rio!

¡Buen camino para todos!

Um bom caminho a todos!

Dóbrey drógui!

[Translation by Joseph Trabbic]
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