Pope Notes Wish for Mexico Event to Renew Family

Asks Prayers for 6th World Meeting

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VATICAN CITY, JAN. 14, 2008 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is expressing his hope that the 6th World Meeting of Families will bring a rediscovery of the beauty of society’s fundamental cell.

The Pope said this today at the end of the general audience in Paul VI Hall. The World Meeting got underway today in Mexico City and will run through Sunday.

«I invite you to unite yourselves to me in prayer to implore the abundance of divine graces on the 6th World Meeting of Families, which is happening during these days in Mexico City,» he said, speaking in Italian. «May this important ecclesial event show once again the beauty and value of the family, stirring up in everyone new energies in favor of this irreplaceable fundamental cell of society and the Church.»

The Holy Father sent his secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, to represent him at the event. The Pontiff himself will participate via video linkup and a televised talk this weekend.

In addition, Benedict XVI conceded the possibility of attaining a plenary indulgence to those who are participating both physically and spiritually in the meeting.

World Meetings of Families were begun by Pope John Paul II, who convoked the first one in Rome in 1994. Successive world meetings have been held in Brazil in 1997, in Rome in 2000, in the Philippines in 2003 and in Spain in 2006.

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