Comparing the lives of David and Solomon, Pope Francis on February 8, 2018, explained that a sinner may become a saint, but not the corrupt, who suffer from weakness of the heart.
His comments came during his homily at Mass at Casa Santa Marta and were reported by Vatican News.
The Pope reminded the congregation that everyone is at risk to have weakness of the heart. Citing the day’s reading from the First Book of Kings, he said that is what befell Solomon.
“We have heard about something a bit strange,” the Pope said. “The heart of Solomon was not entirely with the Lord, his God, as the heart of David, his father, had been.”
As a result, Solomon –despite great wisdom and achievement – lost the Lord’s favor. David, despite his failings, retained the Lord’ favor.
While we don’t know if Solomon committed terrible sins, we know that he became “tranquil in his corruption” and disobedient to the Lord, according to Francis. On the other hand, David committed great sins but went on to become a saint; he remained close to the Lord.
The Holy Father called it a great paradox: “The clarity of a sin is better than weakness of the heart…The great king Solomon wound up corrupted: tranquilly corrupt, because his heart was weakened”:

Santa Marta © Vatican Media
Santa Marta: Danger of Weakness of the Heart
A Sinner Can Become a Saint, Not so the Corrupt