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Support Grows to Prohibit Gender Transitions in Minors: A New Political Front in the USA?

59% of those surveyed said they were in favour of implementing this restriction at the Federal level, which shows a clear tendency in the debate on transgender rights, an ever more key issue in the country’s politics.

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(ZENIT News / Atlanta, Georgia, 17.10.2024).- A new national survey reveals that the majority of American voters support the prohibition of hormonal surgeries and therapies for minors seeking to change their gender. 59% of those surveyed said they were in favour of implementing this restriction at the Federal level, which shows a clear tendency in the debate on transgender rights, an ever more key issue in the country’s politics.

Political and Demographic Divisions

The survey, carried out by Noble Predictive Insights and requested by “The Center Square,” reports The New York Post, shows that support for the prohibition of these interventions is not exclusive of conservatives. Although the support is greater among Republicans, 36% of Democrats  and 56% of Independents agree that gender transitions in minors should be banned. Moreover, although young voters between 18 and 34 registered the lowest level of support, even so a 52% majority favoured the measure. 

According to David Byler, of Noble Predictive Insights, this inclination of public opinion towards restrictions on transgender interventions in minors reflects a strategic advantage for the Republican Party. In Byler’s words, “on topics related to the rights of transgender individuals and young people, Republicans are in tune with the majority of the population,” which explains why many of its campaign announcements are focused on these questions. 

A Controversial and Emotional Topic

The subject of gender transitions in minors is not only dividing the electorate, but also confronts the medical and scientific community. Although some professionals hold that early interventions are a crucial form of support for young people with gender dysphoria, a growing number of studies pose concerns about the long-term effects of these therapies and surgeries. Research suggests that up to 80% of children that experience gender dysphoria overcome this condition naturally when reaching adolescence, without the need of invasive medical treatments. 

Moreover, many “detransitionists” who at one point underwent gender transition but later returned to live according to their biological sex, have shared heartbreaking testimonies about the physical and emotional harm they suffered. According to them, the social and medical pressure to undergo the transition before reaching full emotional maturity led them to take irreversible decisions that they now regret. 

Economic Interests at Stake

An aspect that has added fuel to this debate is the growing  evidence that gender reassignment surgeries not only have personal consequences for individuals, but also a considerable financial impact for clinics that engage in them. In 2022, a video of Dr Shayne Sebold Taylor of the Transgender Health Clinic of Vanderbilt University , revealed that these interventions generate significant income, which has fuelled the criticisms of those that believe that some doctors prioritize economic benefit over their patients’ wellbeing. 

The Electoral Battle

Politics has not been foreign to this debate. Both Republicans and Democrats are using the topic in their campaigns. Kamala Harris, Democratic presidential candidate, has defended the extension of LGBT rights and shown her support for the controversial “Equality Law,” that would guarantee transgender individuals access to areas reserved for women, such as bathrooms and shelters. For their part, Republicans have taken advantage of the opportunity to present this legislation as a threat to women’s and girls’ rights, especially in regard to transgender individuals taking part in feminine sports. 

Donald Trump, Republican candidate, has promised more restrictive measures on his platform, such as criminalizing sex reassignment surgeries in minors if performed without parental consent. Nevertheless, Trump has sparked some confusion by not clarifying if his proposal would allow these surgeries if the parents agreed, or if he was simply criticizing the lack of transparency that, according to him, exists in some sectors of medicine on these procedures. 

Future Perspectives

The growing support of restrictions on gender transition in minors reflects a cultural change in the United States, where policies around gender identity have become one of the most divisive issues at present. As more voters, including some Democratic sectors, show support for these measure, it’s probable that the topic will continue escalating in importance in face of the forthcoming elections. 

What is at stake, beyond electoral politics, is a profound debate on the rights of minors, the role of parents, and the ethical and medical implications of taking irreversible decisions in early stages of life. The outcome of this controversy will not only mould the political scene, but will also have a significant impact on the lives of. thousands of children and their families in the coming years. 

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Jorge Enrique Mújica

Licenciado en filosofía por el Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, de Roma, y “veterano” colaborador de medios impresos y digitales sobre argumentos religiosos y de comunicación. En la cuenta de Twitter:, habla de Dios e internet y Church and media: evangelidigitalización."

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